Mr Wolf, you have been working for KEMPER SYSTEM since 2002 and have been head of department for seven years now. What makes this task so interesting for you?

When I was offered the opportunity to take over the department as part of a succession plan, I knew from my many years of work at KEMPER SYSTEM that this would be an extremely interesting task. And I wasn’t wrong. I am confronted with new issues every day – for example, in addition to development and quality assurance, we have also integrated various areas such as product safety and standardisation into the department and intensified our international focus by establishing laboratories at foreign and new domestic locations.


Speaking of development – what should we imagine by this? What does everyday life look like in your department?

Well, quite simply, we formulate products and test them for different application areas. In addition, we ensure quality and provide evidence, currently by over 700 test certificates and approvals. And we work on future requirements in various standardisation and regulatory working teams and ensure that the current requirements vis-à-vis our products are met. In addition, our existing products are continuously tested and examined for new application areas or with regard to special system structures.


Is there something that is indispensable for you in your work?

Yes, absolutely! For me, it is essential that I have a competent and powerful team around me. And this is exactly what we have been able to build – for which I am of course very grateful.

What makes your team, your department, so special – perhaps even compared to the research and development departments of other companies?

First of all, the potential area of application for liquid plastics is enormous. This means that we work on very diverse and interesting projects in our department – and also accompany our products from the laboratory to application. In all this, we actually have the much-praised efficient decision-making structures as well as a regular exchange with other specialist departments. What is also special about us and ensures constant progress is our international focus..


Are you proud of what you do every now and then?

Of course I’m proud to head this department. A department that meets the changing requirements of the industry in every respect and that constantly develops products that set market standards and serve their purpose for decades on many wellknown buildings around the world.